Do you find yourself feeling sluggish in the afternoon, struggling to stay alert and focused throughout the day or just plain exhausted?

Everyone is familiar with an all-out energy drain and feels the effects of the energy crisis. And we are not talking about the one within our environment, but the one within our own bodies.

Luckily there are simple and easy ways to banish tiredness and skyrocket your energy without having to resort to energy drinks or several extra cups of coffee. Here are our TOP 10 TIPS to boost your energy:

#1 Control Stress
Stress is one of the biggest problems in our mental and physical energy crisis. Stress and the emotions that come with stress suffocate huge amounts of energy, so make sure you keep your stress levels at bay with relaxation therapies. There are plenty of effective tools available to reduce stress. Simple breathing exercises can switch off your sympathetic (fight-or-flight) nervous system within a few seconds. Meditation, exercise, restorative yoga, qigong, tai chi, a walk in nature, a good talk with a friend or a massage are all excellent relaxation techniques that reduce your body’s stress level and enhance your energy and well-being.

#2 Lighten Your Load
One of the major reasons for fatigue and exhaustion is that you have too much on your plate. And we are not just talking about professional overwork. Family and social obligations can make you so busy that you don’t have time to relax and recharge. Make sure you streamline your to-do list and set priorities. If necessary, ask for help to get everything done.

#3 Optimize Your Sleep Cycles
Even if you do get the recommended seven or eight hours of sleep a night, you can still wake up feeling like you got run over by a truck, if you don’t optimize your sleep cycles. A sleep cycle is approximately 75 to 90 minutes each and cycles through phases of REM and non-REM sleep and of course all stages in between. Each face is associated with a specific regeneration or detoxification of cells and organs all throughout your body. Unstable blood sugar levels and elevated cortisol (stress hormone) levels can throw off your sleep cycle. How can you optimize your sleep cycles? Getting more exposure to sunlight in the morning can help decrease cortisol levels later that night. Make sure you eat a well-balanced diet – avoiding processed food and focusing on real food – is the foundation of keeping your blood sugar levels stable at night. There are some key nutrients, including potassium and vitamin D, that can help you get great sleep.

#4 Drink More Fluids
Did you know that one of the first signals that you are dehydrated is that you are feeling exhausted and tired? It’s true, if you don’t drink enough water, this could be the reason your energy levels are down the drain. The majority of our body is made up of water, so staying hydrated and making sure that you drink enough water and other fluids throughout the day is essential to keep your energy levels up. There are many different suggestions on how much water you should drink during the day. An easy way to determine how much you should drink is to divide your body weight in half and drink that many ounces of water. But keep in mind, if you workout or are really active you need to increase that amount. Same goes for women who are pregnant or nursing or if you are fighting an illness.

#5 Exercise
Fact is, as human beings we don’t ‘get’ energy, we create energy. The simplest way to create energy is to move around. Set a timer on your phone to remind you every 60 to 90 minutes or so to get up and walk around or do some stretches. Instead of emailing your colleague, go over to his or her desk and discuss what needs to be done, instead of taking the elevator when you go for lunch, take the stairs… And of course remember to schedule your workouts. Exercise sends fresh oxygen and nutrients to your body’s cells, helping your heart and lung to work more efficiently and boost your energy levels. Exercise also causes your body to release epinephrine and norepinephrine, which can make you feel energized.


#6 Eat For Energy
Your brain needs a steady supply of nutrients, so it’s better to eat small meals and snacks every few hours instead of three large meals a day. Also, make sure to avoid simple carbs like processed foods and sugary drinks, which burn through the body quickly, spike your blood sugar levels and then let it drop. Stick with whole-grain, low-glycemic foods that take the body longer to digest, provide the body with a steady supply of energy and avoid the crash and burn effect. Low-glycemic foods include nuts, oats, brown rice, legumes, sweet potatoes and healthy oils. Proteins and fats have a glycemic index that is close to zero.

#7 Limit Alcohol
It doesn’t come as a surprise, alcohol has a sedative effect. If you are going to drink alcohol, do it in moderation and at times when you don’t mind having your energy go out the door. So instead of having your five o’clock happy hour drink, go to the gym and get your body moving and when you are ready for bed, have a glass of red wine and you’ll be asleep in no time.

#8 Increase Magnesium Intake
One of the reason you feel pooped could be magnesium deficiency. We need this mineral for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, one of them is to break down glucose into energy. When you feel your energy drop, it could be that your magnesium levels are a little low. A handful of almonds, cashews or hazelnuts can easily help you to get to the recommended daily intake of magnesium of around 300 mg for women and 350 mg for men. We love to use fish, especially halibut to increase our magnesium levels. Whole grains, particularly bran cereal will also do the trick.

#9 Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint Essential Oil is an easy way to stimulate your mind and increase your focus. It’s commonly used in aromatherapy because the refreshing essential oil increases the flow of oxygen to your brain, which stimulates your mind and heightens your focus. When you find yourself lacking energy, dab some drops on your wrist or add some to your shower in the morning to energize right from the get go. We love to add a few drops of peppermint oil to a steam diffuser so we can breathe the benefits all throughout the day.

#10 Herbal Teas
A lot of people use coffee when they need a pick-me-up. But sipping on herbal tea is a much better option, because it can provide an all-natural temporary energy boost without the risk of scary stimulants or processed ingredients. Green tea for example is loaded with antioxidants that help fight damage to your cells and are a great anti-aging agent. It you are looking for a new variation of green tea, we love matcha tea right now.

Banish tiredness and exhaustion and boost your energy levels with these 10 ways and skyrocket your energy levels naturally.

Joschi & Monika



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