What does self-esteem mean to you?

Some may think of self-esteem as the inner voice that tells you whether you are good enough to achieve something. Self-esteem is about how we perceive ourselves, our beliefs of who we are and what we are capable of and how we value ourselves.

Interestingly enough, self-esteem has very little to do with our actual talents or abilities. It’s actually quite possible for someone with amazing talents to have low self-esteem while someone who struggles with certain subjects might have very high self-esteem.

Self-esteem is the master key that will lead you to an improved way of life and your level of self-esteem has a very deep impact on every aspect of your life. Building and maintaining high self-esteem means life becomes simpler and lighter, you are more emotionally stable and don’t sabotage yourself on the way to success. You’ll be much happier and much more attractive in any kind of relationship, whether that’s with friends, at work or with a partner.

So how can we achieve a high opinion about ourselves and appreciate who we are and what we do, flaws and all? How can we find more love for ourselves and acknowledge our strengths AND weaknesses and improve our self-esteem in a practical way?

Today, we’d like to share the most powerful tips and habits we have found for improving and maintaining your self-esteem.


#1 Explore Yourself
We’ve all heard the old saying ‘Know thyself’. It’s pretty much an invitation to engage in self-exploration. The happiest and most well-adjusted people we have met, have gone through the process of self-exploration. While many think this process is just about knowing your strengths and weaknesses, we believe it also means that we open ourselves up to new thoughts, new opportunities, new viewpoints and trying out new things. Sometimes, when we are down on ourselves and we have taken a big hit to our self-esteem, we feel like we have nothing to offer to the world. But it may be that we simply haven’t found everything we do have to offer. Learning what this is is simply a matter of trial and error. So go out there, take risks and try new things that you wouldn’t ordinarily do.

#2 Positive Self-Talk
We can be our own worst critic and if we keep telling ourselves that we are not good enough, we may actually start to believe it, even though it isn’t true. Stop the downward spiral of negative thoughts that create negative believes about yourself and start to talk to yourself in a positive, compassionate way like you would to your best friend. Encourage yourself and be positive.

#3 Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
One of the biggest hurdles to building strong self-esteem is unfair comparison. You need to stop comparing yourself to others. The only person you should be competing against is yourself. Comparing yourself to others is unfair because you don’t know everything about the other person and their journey. So stop immediately and focus on yourself.

#4 Exercise
Exercise helps to improve your mood. End of story…

#5 Don’t Strive For Perfection
We all want to be the best we can be and do things really well. But keep in mind that perfection is simply unattainable for any of us. Embrace your imperfections and don’t let striving for perfection kill your dream. Do the best you can and always strive to improve, but forget perfection. Instead, grab a hold of your accomplishments as you achieve them, acknowledge them and be proud of them. If you wait for the perfect time, the perfect opportunity, the perfect set of circumstances, your perfect skills, you will never start to get going and you miss out on life.

#6 Don’t Beat Yourself Up When You Make a Mistake
Everyone on this planet makes mistakes, it is in our human nature, so don’t beat yourself up over it. It doesn’t mean you are a bad person, it simply means you made a mistake. The question is never whether you make a mistake, the question is always, how do you respond to your mistake… It is important to take something away from every mistake you make in life and take it as an opportunity for learning and growth.

#7 Focus on the Things You Can Change
There are always things in life that you can not change, so don’t waste your time and energy on them. Think about the things that you have the power to control and see what you can do about those. Focus on the things that you can improve and change them. Always strive to grow.

We know all this may sound easy. Improving self-esteem takes time, patience and trial and error. We just want to encourage you to make an effort to be more realistic with yourself and be more fair and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results you get. Try to stay in touch with how you feel during the day. Identifying when and how you feel a certain way is half the battle to building and maintaining high self-esteem. Remember… You only live once! So think great things about yourself. Believe you are worthy and competent. Value and Respect yourself.

Joschi & Monika


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