Comptemplating Aquatic Nakedness

The DWB nude swim in Yellow Springs is still a little over a month away and I’m still on the fence about attending. It would be nice to have two or three hours of aquatic nakedness even if I will only be able to record my memories of it in words but not images.

The only reason I can’t have pictorial memories is because there will be nudity. I can have pictures of a clothed swimming event but not a nude one. We don’t want to take a chance that a naked picture of someone in the group might appear somewhere on the Internet and someone’s friends, family or employer might find out they’re a nudist. I’m quite weary of the double standards, the secrecy, and the anonymity that surround naturism and nudism.

The idea that there will be someone at the door to ensure that I do not have my cell phone with me implies distrust. It’s not like they are a clandestine organization with secret rituals. Or are they? An outsider might jump to the conclusion that being naked is naughty and they’re engaging in orgies and other illicit behavior.

YellowSpringsThere is a large window at the pool so I’m sure that most of it will be covered with brown paper. Whether that will be to ensure our privacy or to prevent anyone who might be passing by from potentially being offended by naked human beings depends on your point of view. I’m going with the latter although I’m sure that most participants will be concerned about  their privacy. I’m not all that worried about my privacy but I understand the concerns other members may have.

I’ve been ambivalent about my membership in this club from the beginning. I’ve only attended one club event and waffled for over a year before finally joining. I haven’t been to their monthly gatherings because of family and social commitments on those Saturdays. I really haven’t had much of a chance to get to know anyone in the club but it seems unlikely that I have much in common with them.

There’s a chance that I may put aside my philosophical differences and enjoy some naked time. If I do attend, I will have the chance to have one pictorial memory of the event, a single group photo taken by a designated photographer. I’ll treasure it, I’m sure.




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